Monday, December 30, 2013

A System Made to Disintegrate Us...

Being ambitious in Los Angeles leads you to meet a host of people, from all different points in their lives. I was having a conversation with a 46 year old, pretty established, Asshole (long story) a few weeks ago and I spoke of my socialization and he had never even heard of the term. For the past couple of days I have been thinking about how I wouldn't even know the official term if I wasn't a sociology major. So I want to share with my followers the system that teaches us how to be. 

For anyone wondering I am still a student at sam (barely lmfao). Last spring I changed my major to Sociology because after taking one class I realized that it was probably the best and most interesting major I could probably have. Plus I decided, this degree is for my mother not for my life, so why not study people?

On the very first day of the class we delved into a topic that I can spend the rest of  my life talking about. Socialization, defined as a lifelong process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and internalizes the norms, values, behavior and social skills appropriate to his or her social position and learn to function as members of society

Now, this being a deep topic I don't have time to go too far into it but this will just be a brief overview on the vast subject. There are different agents that assist in socialization, some being family, school, peers and media. Family being the very  first social institution and group that shapes individuals’ selves and personality. Imagine how many times you meet parents of longtime friends that you can see exactly where they get their personality traits. From your parents you learn trust, independence, initiative, how to interact with others and oneself. After family comes school and parents are replaced by teachers. 
Unlike other agents of socialization such as family and school, peer groups allow children to escape the direct supervision of adults. Among peers, children learn to form relationships on their own, and have the chance to discuss interests that adults may not share with children, such as clothing and popular music, or interest authority figures may not allow, like drugs and sex. Also peers enforce conformity. 
The last and I feel, the most important is the media. The messages given through the media act as the teachers of gender roles, values, ideologies and beliefs. Individuals who soak up these subliminal messages eventually take on, what is thought to be, the normative roles in society. Even down to the fact that television shows are commonly referred to as programs?! Programming, people. Subliminal messaging is ingrained into all television shows in one way or another. The most deplorable, in my opinion, is the stuff I now notice when I watch cartoons. I don't even mean the stuff I watch now as a "sort of" adult. I mean the stuff that was for the kids of the '90s, stuff I watched in the past and even back a couple months ago (in the free cable days). I would watch nothing but cartoon network and nickelodeon, because I feel like the brainwashing in adult programming is a bit harder to see, being as though it is created to program adult minds, and I don't like to knowingly allow negative things into my subconscious. In children programming it is a bit easier to perceive, so in these cartoons I really got to see so much "socialization". Cartoons are one of the first to teach kids how to divide themselves by societal standards, class, race, sexuality and gender roles. There are an endless number of standards that media and authority figures that try to get is to consciously and subconsciously force you to adhere to. "Don't ask too many questions" "look like this..." "Do bad things and the police will get you" "Strive to be better.......than everyone else" "Hate what's different" "Smart people are like this..." "Do what everyone else does" Those are standards (plus plenty more) taught through cartoons. 

   For those who don't know there is a newer version of the age old cartoon Looney Tunes.                
The newest version is quite different and the teaching of class and race separations is so undisguised its disgusting. Bugs Bunny is clearly a superior swindling white man, Daffy Duck is a black man who lives off of him and tries and tries to be like him but always fails miserably. Lola Bunny is the picture of an airhead blonde that also lives off of Bugs. Bugs is annoyed by her consistently but keeps her around because she is beautiful. Daffy has a girlfriend too but she is a ghetto Latina duck. Porky pig is a Jewish man that is cheap but rich. So ya'll get the point. The show literally teaches kids class and race separations, guiding them to fall into the stereotype that fits them best while shaping their views of others outside of their class/race box. 

 I also watched one of my childhood favorites Aladdin recently and has anyone noticed that by the end of the movie when He was a sultan Aladdin was white, versus the brown he was when he was a "streetrat".        

 Now why would that be? Those are the things that our eyes pick up and our brain registers. no matter if we notice consciously or not. 

Upon watching one of my favorite childhood movies Rugrats In Paris I was appalled to see that sexuality and gender roles are so blatantly put forth. One instance that stuck out to me is when Chuckie Finster sees a guy in a kilt he says something to the effect of "ewww guys aren't supposed to be wearing dresses!" Yall I cant even lie when I heard that I was so upset I almost cried. They are teaching children how to dress, act, and interact as boys and girls with no regard for individualism and no sensitivity to cultural differences. Adults make these cartoons that teach kids how to hate themselves and others and its despicable. I grew up with next to no television. I hope I can raise mine children without any at all.

Okay, moving on, a couple more things I learned in sociology that I think are interesting enough to share are Cooley's theory of the Looking Glass Self and Panoptic Society. There are a couple of Socialization Theories, Cooley's being the one I feel is most applicable to today's society, the looking glass self refers to a self image we have that we base on how we think others see us and how we want them to see us. He has a three step process that he feels we go through to achieve self:

Step 1
We imagine that a someone perceives us in a certain way.
Step 2
We imagine that he or she makes a judgment about us based on that perception.
Step 3
We form a self-image based on how we think our someone sees us
I feel like personally I still fall prey to behaving in such a ridiculous manner even being aware of it. Quite a hard habit to break but everyday I'm working more and more to find myself and just be that. 
Now last but not least, Panoptic Society. First let me say that Panoptic means including everything visible in one view. The term panoptic society comes from panopticon. The notion of the Panopticon was first developed by a man named Jeremy Bentham. Conceived as an architectural model for the ideal prison, the Panopticon was built so that each inmate is always visible to all the others in separate cells and each inmate is always visible to a monitor situated in a central tower. Monitors will not in fact always see each inmate; the point is that they could at any time. Since inmates never know whether they are being observed, they must act as if they are always objects of observation. 
Does that not seem quite synonymous with how we live today?  The panopticon represents the way in which discipline and punishment work in modern society. 
If you have made it this far with me GREAT!!! Thank you, I commend and appreciate you. I would just love it if you would drop a comment below. I could always use some feedback.
 Ultimately these are all sociological theories so I want to know what you guys think. Do you feel like you shape your self image based on how you want your peers to see you or have you surpassed that? Are you somewhere in the middle? What about the Panoptic society? Do you think you would behave the same way of you didn't think you were always being watched, not only by your own peers but by surveillance cameras and *cough* Homeland Security *cough* and things of that nature.... 
Let me know what yall think!!

Triiinity Tafari

California Dreaming

Good afternoon Gods and Goddesses
I know its been forever and 60 million days since I last blogged but yall wont believe how crazy my life is. After my last post things began to get crazy and I just couldn't get together enough to write. You all may know that, to live in Los Angeles again has been a dream of mines since I moved to Tx. Ever since after SxSW, we (Amiiiri and I) decided that it was the best move for Free Spiiirit. Let me say, when they say "If its worth it, it wont be easy..." that shit is so true. It seems like everything that could have happened did happen! Even a few unexpected things! By around July we knew we wouldn't be able to afford the move in August as we wanted, so we arranged to live with her mother until we could get enough saved. Then like 3 days before we were about to move out of my apartment there was a fire. Crazy right!!! Life is just that crazy. I love it though. We moved to Houston from Huntsville and Caryn moved to San Antonio. For 2 months we lived in Houston and everything that could have happened to keep us back tried. Alas on September 24th we finally acquired the money we needed to make the move and asked Caryn to come with. We have been here in Los Angeles since the second of October. Los Angeles is such a beautiful beast. I love it here. I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm ready to chase my dreams and I know that I can have whatever I want. Everyday is a new experience and everyday prospects become more and more prosperous so alhamdullilah for that! I thank all of the people that bless our mission and I ask that you all keep us in your prayers and send us positivity when you can.

Namaste Spiiirits,
Triiinity Tafari

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Views: Trayvon Martin

First off, sorry it has been so long since my last blogpost. My life has been a whirl of crazy things, I have been just trying to go with the flow and take things as best I can while praying for better.

On to what I want to talk about today. Trayvon Martin. 

Disclaimer: I'm not saying this to be offensive or a hater. It is simply how I feel and my blog is for me to express how I feel to the world. Don't like it?!  
Comment below.

When I found out what happened I remember how devastated I was. Not even because I'm so naieve that I don't know that this happens all the time. It was because I felt this situation more since I know how easily situations like this can occur. 
I mean, I have 2 younger brothers and with them living in a predominately white area this could have been either one of them. I want nothing more than justice served. I send prayers out to his family and I implore you to do so as well. 

My Problems

The media made the trial for the murderer of a child, a circus. I haven't been keeping up with the case honestly because I feel that this is another distraction technique. 
The powers that be tell the sheep what to pay attention to and they do it. In the past few weeks while the  trial has been happening CONgress has been going crazy. All over all the social networks I see people pretending to care, putting out all types of ignorant opinions, chastising people for their ignorant opinions and generally pretending to be revolutionaries, since that the popular thing to be right now. Instead of the twitter revolutionaries paying attention for the fact that they are taking our rights, they are paying attention to this elaborately planned trial. Not only that but they are doing it because it is the trendy/popular thing to talk a reality show. It will lose relevance quickly because of all this false care. Just like it was designed.

Open your eyes to what is around you folks. Things are never as they seem.

My Questions to the Revolutionaries. Real and Fake.
Answer honestly.

First off how do you expect this to go?
What will be done if the trial doesnt go the way you expect?
Y'all say NO JUSTICE NO PEACE, do you mean it?
Will you revolt or will you just tweet angrily?

Whatever your answers to those questions proud of you you are.
We are all incredible beings, revolutionary or not. 

Plus...the real revolution starts with Self.


Triiinity Tafari



P.S. : one of my twitter followers, @8PathZen,  tweeted "What if they find Zimmerman innocent, knowing that people will riot just so they can implement Marshall Law, in D.C., Philly, Bmore, N.Y.?" then "I mean clearly he guilty, but you know they do shit like that."
Food For Thought

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Misrepresentations Grind My Gears

Mother culture is a motherfucker, the media is her bitch.

I am not fully prepared to take the time it is guaranteed to take to do a full exposé on the media and its misrepresentations, as I would like, but here is a little something I thought about the other day.

For those of yall who do not know me, I am in NOT a scary movie fan WHATSOEVER. I am the type of girl that when the commercials come on I close my eyes and cover my ears while making loud noises as to keep myself from hearing the craziness. The other day we went to go see WORLD WAR Z (amazing movie btw) and during preview time, a preview for a scary movie came on. I decided that I wouldn't make too much noise in the movies but I covered my eyes and turned away but turned back just in time to see the title flash ominously...The Conjuring. I thought to myself "blah another stupid scary movie" and continued on with life not giving it another thought. 
However, that night the commercial came on TV and I saw a bit more than before, this time. I was slightly freaked out.
 In a panic I said to Amiiiri, "Ugh why the fuck would somebody do some shit like that, they shouldn't be out there conjuring shit anyways." 
Before the words even came out of my mouth I knew I had misjudged everything.

First mistake, who the fuck am I to say anybody shouldn't be doing anything?! I always chastise myself when I get judge-y because I am an authority on none but myself. 
Second mistake. Since when does the media properly portray anything (unless, like The Matrix, its like little pimp slaps to those who know). When Amiiiri and I originally watched The Spirit Science, there was one of the videos that was about Astral Projection

Quick rundown time:
 AP is the conscious separation of your soul and your body. Now that alone sounds super scary but first think about standard belief. If your body is just a house for your soul then why can't your soul leave it? Do you never leave your house?
It is what some people call Out of Body Experiences. Also it is quite close to what some call Lucid Dreaming.
It is reported that there are infinite things you can do while Astral Projecting, some of them being: 
  • Travel the world
  • Travel the universe (other planets & realms, etc.)
  • Travel time
  • Talk with your angels
  • Talk to deceased people
  •  many more cool things

Any who, when I originally learned about it, I told her that it sounded like something that I would like to try (still haven't succeeded). Then she told me about this movie Insidious. Now I had heard of this movie but was never even going to think about watching it, so she told me a bit about it. For those who havent seen it/heard about it this is all I remember: It is about a boy who became comatose, got stuck in the spirit world and his father had to go and find him.

My issue with both these movies is really just another annoying case of Mother  Culture misrepresenting things. When she starts with spirituality it grinds my gears much harder than when she misrepresents everything else. Movies like Insidious and The Conjuring put forth only negativity in fields where people already don't know enough. Even in cases where people know better its easy to slip into the grasp of mother culture. Just watch out guys there are lies all around us. Funniest part of it all is...both movies were made by the same people. Shall we say conspiracy?! 


Triiinity Tafari

Friday, June 21, 2013

Nothing is real.

How do you know what is real and what is not?
Nothing is real.

Break it all the way down. All the way back to elementary science.

They are teeny-tiny molecules that are made up of even more teeny-tiny elements with the neutrons and protons making up the nucleus  there are electrons orbiting in the empty space around it. That empty space is 99.9999999999999 % of the whole atom.

What does all this science shit have to do with anything right? Weeeeeeellllllllllllll it has a lot to do with it if you think about all the empty space each of those tiny molecules hold. That would make it where everything that is made up of atoms would have a lot of empty space right??

Everything is made up of atoms.

That would make EVERYTHING 99.999+ % empty space.
This would make so called "solid" objects seem a lot less solid huh?

One of me and Amiiiri Tafari 's favorite phrases is "Perception is Reality". Humanity is under the assumption that we perceive the world for exactly what it is, but perception is a creation of the mind that helps us stay grounded in the third dimension. Reality is defined by how we perceive it and how you perceive something is, in essence, a direct reflection of self.

“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are” – Talmud

An individuals perception is a holographic representation of one's beliefs, emotions, past experiences, etc. Therefore no two people have the same reality. Just because we see things a certain way doesn't make it so. "Reality" is an extremely fluid concept.We never truly experience the world for what it is. We experience it as our mind filters it to us.

This could be such an awesome thing because that means you shape your reality with your perceptions. Think about it you can CHOOSE how you respond to things.

The chain goes like this:
You have beliefs--->They shape your perception--->Your perception shapes how you respond to events
--->How you respond is your reality

Start at the beginning. Go deep inside and examine your beliefs then choose to change them. Only then will you be able to control how you respond to things. Everything begins with a choice.

A negative reality can only be shaped by negative perceptions.

Our perceptions can be heavily distorted by our expectations. Think about optical illusions.
You see what you want to see.

When you see this you probably see a couple doing...couple-y things.
That's what I saw, but it is supposed to be a drawing of 9 dolphins.

 The website says if it takes you more than 6 second to find them your mind  is corrupted lol. They had to tell me where they were because I did not see them at all...but I digress.

There is also the fact that a lot of our beliefs are widespread because they (the Powers that Be) have been instilling them in us since birth. Also, because nobody wants to be perceived as any less than awesome, everyone carefully builds the face they want the world to see.

A world where you only see what others want you to see or what you believe you see. Sounds a lot like a pretty fake world, huh?

To sum all of this up, perception is an internal affair. Within is where we experience our reality and the external is really only the stimulus. We actually project our values and beliefs upon the external world and see what we want to see "out there", then we consider what we see to be reality. Ultimately, for each of us, our individual perception is our individual reality.

Triiinity Tafari

P.S. The world that we cannot see is far more vast than the one we can, although they are one in the same. Never forget that.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A quick lesson in numerology

I keep seeing a tweet discussing the birth of Kim and Ye's newborn, it says : 


 1+5= 6 
 2+0+1+3 = 6

Now let me be clear: I believe in numerology: study of the symbolism and significance of numbers. They reflect certain aptitudes and character tenancies, as an important part in the individual as well as the overall cosmic plan. It states that individual numbers have vibrations and each letter has a number it corresponds to, indicating that letters are vibrational as well. My major qualm here is that I'm sure none of the people tweeting that for one know what it is and two believe in it.  My other qualm is it is WRONG.
Done correctly the numerology of Kim and Ye's baby goes as following:

1+5= 6 
2+0+1+3 = 6


So in actuality Kim and Ye's baby's life path number is 
A little more insight

People with a Life Path 9 are humanitarians. If your Life Path is a 9 you have an extremely strong sense of compassion and generosity. You are selfless and helping others is very important to you. You not only want to help others, but you feel very deeply for those less fortunate than yourself. They are friendly and people like them. Their generosity knows no bounds, and they give freely of their money, time and energy. As a "9" their ultimate goal is working toward a better world.

Quick thing at the end. I know that the veil is thick...this is true. I must implore that people be more open. Not to just gathering up your pitchfork and torches against that baby. Or if you do don't be fickle. If you will believe in numerology to condemn the baby into the illuminati (post on that coming eventually) then believe it when it comes to everything else. 

Just a few thoughts :)

Triiinity Tafari

P.S. If you are interested in me doing your numerology...I love doing it and I will.

Comment below.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

God's Master Plan

Am I the only one that can look back at the course of my life and see how everything falls together like the pieces of a perfect puzzle? Am I the only one who cares? If I could stand the person I am today up next to the person I was 3 years ago...2 years ago... even last summer I was a completely different person. I can see how each stage led to the next and how Source planned my exposure to him and my purpose on this earth. What is better than that? Nothing. Allahu Akbar.

Triiinity Tafari

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pineal Gland: If ya don't know, now ya know...

Pineal Gland
The Third Eye

Something that should be widely known about, or at least discussed between westerners more often...have yall ever heard of it? Before I had my perspective change I can remember instances where a third eye was referenced but I also remember that when it was it sounded ridiculous to me, which I now see was due to conditioning and bullshit of that nature. After The Spirit Science made such a fool proof argument I decided to do research on it and so much came to light.

Just a little background knowledge:

  • The Pineal Gland is a small pine cone shaped gland in your brain and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres.

  • It produces the hormone melatonin that affects the modulation of sleep/wake patterns, sexual development and metabolic function.
  •  It is known in many eastern belief systems as a direct link to Direct Source (God).
Now forewarning: I, Triiinity Tafari am a conspiracy theorist. Consider yourself warned.

I'm going to take a moment to talk to you guys about the Powers that Be.
"The Powers that Be" can be defined as the 1%,  those who rule over us (in government, media, corporations, and the like) and keep the general populus running on the degenerative agenda it has set for us. 

The Skinny

The Powers that Be control...everything. Their agenda is to keep power in the hands of the few and that few is them. I mean, think about it, what better system is there then to charge people to live?  Now what do they have to do with the Pineal Gland, you may be asking. The Pineal Gland possesses great power within individuals.It is one of the 7 Chakras (more to come about them later). If ones Pineal Gland is able to be tuned to the proper frequency with yoga, proper diet, meditation and various other methods it allows a person to achieve enhanced sense of awareness and consciousness as well as a mass variety of marvelous things. There are whole masses of eastern people that live by this spiritual belief. Yet a meager percentage of Americans even know about this and even less actually realize the gold they possess. Interesting tidbit: the Pineal Gland is referenced on the back of the US dollar bill as the "all seeing eye." also the Eye of Horus is a representation of it. Notice the negative connotations attached to them both. 

The Conspiracy

In the 90's a scientist named Jennifer Luke carried out the very first tests in the study of fluoride's effects on the Pineal Gland. She concluded that the Pineal Gland is a magnet for fluoride, that it absorbs it more than anything else in the body, including the bones. Now with that fluoride absorption, your Pineal Gland will calcify, meaning it will form a hardened barrier around it cutting the connection to Divine Source, the one thing that connects us all. Not only that but it has many other neurological effects on the brain and LOWERS IQ. 
Now what do "they" want with a bunch of stupid drones that are disconnected from themselves and everyone else??? To control them of course!!!

I want to end this blog post with a quote.

"The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth....That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind." - Morpheus (The Matrix)

Now think on that...

Triiinity Tafari

Introduction to the Life of a Free Spiiirit

Triiinity Tafari.

I could say I didn't choose this name, it chose me...but it was a healthy combination of the two. A year ago, my life changed. I was introduced to a YouTube video series last summer called "The Spirit Science." Immediately my whole perspective on life, my place in the world, and quite frankly GOD completely changed. After such life changing events, my birth name, Philichelll Ju'Lisa Pewitt-Hemphill, just didn't seem to fit anymore. I had to become the person I was destined to be and throughout this journey I decided to give that person a name. With all of the knowledge I was accruing I decided my best bet was to tell everyone I know about this life changing shit. After a couple of weeks of daily questioning and deep conversation my friend/coworker started calling me Triiinity in relation to the character in the movie The Matrix. Seeing as to how I LOVE that movie and its significance in the world we live in now I decided that this "nickname" was finally one I would keep. One day at work I was doing research on Rastafari's and I found out that Tafari means "he who inspires awe". I loved that so much that I got to thinking...that would be a bitchin' name combo. Thus, Triiinity Tafari was born. My best friend, Amiiiri Tafari (with her awesome self) has been telling me that I need to start a blog and with her coaxing and a dash of her help I have produced Triiinity Tafari : The life and times of a Free Spiiirit. I enjoy taking pictures of everything I love and I decided to create this beauty as a showcase of my life.

from the concrete who knew that a flower would grow...

Triiinity Tafari