Thursday, June 27, 2013

Misrepresentations Grind My Gears

Mother culture is a motherfucker, the media is her bitch.

I am not fully prepared to take the time it is guaranteed to take to do a full exposé on the media and its misrepresentations, as I would like, but here is a little something I thought about the other day.

For those of yall who do not know me, I am in NOT a scary movie fan WHATSOEVER. I am the type of girl that when the commercials come on I close my eyes and cover my ears while making loud noises as to keep myself from hearing the craziness. The other day we went to go see WORLD WAR Z (amazing movie btw) and during preview time, a preview for a scary movie came on. I decided that I wouldn't make too much noise in the movies but I covered my eyes and turned away but turned back just in time to see the title flash ominously...The Conjuring. I thought to myself "blah another stupid scary movie" and continued on with life not giving it another thought. 
However, that night the commercial came on TV and I saw a bit more than before, this time. I was slightly freaked out.
 In a panic I said to Amiiiri, "Ugh why the fuck would somebody do some shit like that, they shouldn't be out there conjuring shit anyways." 
Before the words even came out of my mouth I knew I had misjudged everything.

First mistake, who the fuck am I to say anybody shouldn't be doing anything?! I always chastise myself when I get judge-y because I am an authority on none but myself. 
Second mistake. Since when does the media properly portray anything (unless, like The Matrix, its like little pimp slaps to those who know). When Amiiiri and I originally watched The Spirit Science, there was one of the videos that was about Astral Projection

Quick rundown time:
 AP is the conscious separation of your soul and your body. Now that alone sounds super scary but first think about standard belief. If your body is just a house for your soul then why can't your soul leave it? Do you never leave your house?
It is what some people call Out of Body Experiences. Also it is quite close to what some call Lucid Dreaming.
It is reported that there are infinite things you can do while Astral Projecting, some of them being: 
  • Travel the world
  • Travel the universe (other planets & realms, etc.)
  • Travel time
  • Talk with your angels
  • Talk to deceased people
  •  many more cool things

Any who, when I originally learned about it, I told her that it sounded like something that I would like to try (still haven't succeeded). Then she told me about this movie Insidious. Now I had heard of this movie but was never even going to think about watching it, so she told me a bit about it. For those who havent seen it/heard about it this is all I remember: It is about a boy who became comatose, got stuck in the spirit world and his father had to go and find him.

My issue with both these movies is really just another annoying case of Mother  Culture misrepresenting things. When she starts with spirituality it grinds my gears much harder than when she misrepresents everything else. Movies like Insidious and The Conjuring put forth only negativity in fields where people already don't know enough. Even in cases where people know better its easy to slip into the grasp of mother culture. Just watch out guys there are lies all around us. Funniest part of it all is...both movies were made by the same people. Shall we say conspiracy?! 


Triiinity Tafari

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