Saturday, March 22, 2014

20 Facts #TAG

Yo internet peeps I was tagged by @lilmiss_happymess (from instagram) to post 20 facts about myself and tag my favorite 20 accounts so here goes: 
1. I am the creator of my universe
2. I constantly thank God for that knowledge and ability
3. Fuck Religion #unityconsciousness
4. Cannabis solves all of my problems
5. I am pansexual. Not bisexual or lesbian. Hearts not parts folks.
6. My Goddess is the most amazing spiiirit I have ever encountered & no we don't need nor want a man. We are Twin Flames and house every thing the other needs.
7. I am truly happy for the first time in my life
8. Fuck anyone who has a problem with it
9. My family (except my little brothers) hate my dreams and thoughts and opinions. While it bothers me my life is mines so... (refer to#8)
10. I dont believe in bras and haven't worn one in a year
11. I am NOTHING like I was 2 years ago. Nothing is constant but change.
12. I have an extraordinarily small amount of friends. I wish I had more.
13. The best thing anyone can do to be friends with me is be themselves...I appreciate GENUINE people
14. When I'm tired or bored enough there is nothing to keep me from falling asleep.
15. I am and always have been a very altruistic soul
16. You hurt Miiiri, you hurt me and vice versa...and we are quite sensitive
17. Im an empath & when I encounter people their energies can affect me positively and negatively depending on their mindstate.
18. I turn into a bird when I'm excited or super happy, even though I'm afraid of them.
19. I will be a force to be reckoned with in this Golden Age. That is what I incarnated on Gaia for.
20. I love every last one of you all.
Thanks for reading and if you want comment 20 facts below I so would love to hear your facts!!

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