How do you know what is real and what is not?
Nothing is real.
Break it all the way down. All the way back to elementary science.

They are teeny-tiny molecules that are made up of even more teeny-tiny elements with the neutrons and protons making up the nucleus there are electrons orbiting in the empty space around it. That empty space is 99.9999999999999 % of the whole atom.
What does all this science shit have to do with anything right? Weeeeeeellllllllllllll it has a lot to do with it if you think about all the empty space each of those tiny molecules hold. That would make it where everything that is made up of atoms would have a lot of empty space right??
Everything is made up of atoms.
That would make EVERYTHING 99.999+ % empty space.
This would make so called "solid" objects seem a lot less solid huh?
Nothing is real.
Break it all the way down. All the way back to elementary science.
They are teeny-tiny molecules that are made up of even more teeny-tiny elements with the neutrons and protons making up the nucleus there are electrons orbiting in the empty space around it. That empty space is 99.9999999999999 % of the whole atom.
What does all this science shit have to do with anything right? Weeeeeeellllllllllllll it has a lot to do with it if you think about all the empty space each of those tiny molecules hold. That would make it where everything that is made up of atoms would have a lot of empty space right??
Everything is made up of atoms.
That would make EVERYTHING 99.999+ % empty space.
This would make so called "solid" objects seem a lot less solid huh?
One of me and Amiiiri Tafari 's favorite phrases is "Perception is Reality". Humanity is under the assumption that we perceive the world for exactly what it is, but perception is a creation of the mind that helps us stay grounded in the third dimension. Reality is defined by how we perceive it and how you perceive something is, in essence, a direct reflection of self.
“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are” – Talmud
An individuals perception is a holographic representation of one's beliefs, emotions, past experiences, etc. Therefore no two people have the same reality. Just because we see things a certain way doesn't make it so. "Reality" is an extremely fluid concept.We never truly experience the world for what it is. We experience it as our mind filters it to us.
This could be such an awesome thing because that means you shape your reality with your perceptions. Think about it you can CHOOSE how you respond to things.
The chain goes like this:
You have beliefs--->They shape your perception--->Your perception shapes how you respond to events
--->How you respond is your reality
Start at the beginning. Go deep inside and examine your beliefs then choose to change them. Only then will you be able to control how you respond to things. Everything begins with a choice.
A negative reality can only be shaped by negative perceptions.
Our perceptions can be heavily distorted by our expectations. Think about optical illusions.
You see what you want to see.

When you see this you probably see a couple doing...couple-y things.
That's what I saw, but it is supposed to be a drawing of 9 dolphins.
The website says if it takes you more than 6 second to find them your mind is corrupted lol. They had to tell me where they were because I did not see them at all...but I digress.
There is also the fact that a lot of our beliefs are widespread because they (the Powers that Be) have been instilling them in us since birth. Also, because nobody wants to be perceived as any less than awesome, everyone carefully builds the face they want the world to see.
A world where you only see what others want you to see or what you believe you see. Sounds a lot like a pretty fake world, huh?
To sum all of this up, perception is an internal affair. Within is where we experience our reality and the external is really only the stimulus. We actually project our values and beliefs upon the external world and see what we want to see "out there", then we consider what we see to be reality. Ultimately, for each of us, our individual perception is our individual reality.
Triiinity Tafari
P.S. The world that we cannot see is far more vast than the one we can, although they are one in the same. Never forget that.

“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are” – Talmud
An individuals perception is a holographic representation of one's beliefs, emotions, past experiences, etc. Therefore no two people have the same reality. Just because we see things a certain way doesn't make it so. "Reality" is an extremely fluid concept.We never truly experience the world for what it is. We experience it as our mind filters it to us.
This could be such an awesome thing because that means you shape your reality with your perceptions. Think about it you can CHOOSE how you respond to things.
The chain goes like this:
You have beliefs--->They shape your perception--->Your perception shapes how you respond to events
--->How you respond is your reality
Start at the beginning. Go deep inside and examine your beliefs then choose to change them. Only then will you be able to control how you respond to things. Everything begins with a choice.
A negative reality can only be shaped by negative perceptions.
Our perceptions can be heavily distorted by our expectations. Think about optical illusions.
You see what you want to see.
When you see this you probably see a couple doing...couple-y things.
That's what I saw, but it is supposed to be a drawing of 9 dolphins.
The website says if it takes you more than 6 second to find them your mind is corrupted lol. They had to tell me where they were because I did not see them at all...but I digress.
There is also the fact that a lot of our beliefs are widespread because they (the Powers that Be) have been instilling them in us since birth. Also, because nobody wants to be perceived as any less than awesome, everyone carefully builds the face they want the world to see.
A world where you only see what others want you to see or what you believe you see. Sounds a lot like a pretty fake world, huh?
To sum all of this up, perception is an internal affair. Within is where we experience our reality and the external is really only the stimulus. We actually project our values and beliefs upon the external world and see what we want to see "out there", then we consider what we see to be reality. Ultimately, for each of us, our individual perception is our individual reality.
Triiinity Tafari
P.S. The world that we cannot see is far more vast than the one we can, although they are one in the same. Never forget that.
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